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Intelligent Transport Systems

ITS Global Summit Insights 2023


The state of new mobility now...and what's next?


New Mobility Now 2.0 

Following on from our 2017 white paper - New Mobility Now, WSP presents New Mobility Now 2.0. This paper will explore how our expectations for ITS have measured up to today's realities. Stay tuned for the launch at the ITS Conference. 


New Mobility Next

WSP explores where the future of mobility is heading in the context of today's global ITS landscape. This global report explores trends and opportunities for what we can expect going forward. Stay tuned for the launch at the ITS conference.


The Gas Tax Playbook

As electric vehicles become more common, revenue that would usually be raised through tax applied at the petrol pump will reduce. Leaders will need to look at solutions to account for this, so how can we make sure that any updates to policy are equitable and effective?


David Alderson

Standardisation of C-ITS Roadside Stations in Queensland and Australia

David Alderson

Associate ITS Engineer

Date: Monday August 28

Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Click here for more information

Managed motorways/Motorway global developments

Date: Monday August 28

Time: 1:30 pm - 3.00 pm

Click here for more information

Lachlan Grey

Lachlan Gray

Senior Principal ITS Engineer

Andy Hooper

Andy Hooper

Technical Director - Asset and Network Performance

Digital twins enabling Connected Networks and Vehicles

Date: Monday August 28

Time: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Click here for more information

David Mansfield

David Mansfield

Enterprise Solution Architect

Jack Barlow

Jack Barlow

Senior Business Analyst

Benefits and recommendations of C-ITS uses cases based on international learnings

Date: Monday August 28

Time: 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm

Click here for more information

Elena Thode-Minguet

Elena Thode-Minguet

Senior ITS Engineer

Nigel Nielsen

Nigel Nielsen

Digital Transport Systems Lead

Scott Benjamin

C-ITS Next Steps – options from a rapid Cost-Benefit Analysis of national deployment of C-ITS

Scott Benjamin

Technical Director - Intelligent Transport

Date: Tuesday August 29

Time: 1.30 pm - 2:30 pm

Click here for more information

David Alderson

Enhancing Safety in Roadworks using C-ITS: A Proof of Concept for Temporary Traffic Management in an Australian Context

David Alderson

Associate ITS Engineer

Date: Tuesday August 29

Time: 3.00 pm - 3.45 pm

Click here for more information

Nigel Nielsen

C-ITS Central Facility - journey from pilot enabler to cross-jurisdictional platform

Nigel Nielsen

Digital Transport Systems Lead

Date: Tuesday August 29

Time: 3.30 pm - 4.00 pm

Shivaani Polley

Implementing a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) framework – Learnings from the UK and approaches for Australia and New Zealand

Shivaani Polley

Senior Principal ITS Engineer

Date: Thursday August 31

Time: 9.00 am - 10.30 am


David Alderson

Policy Impact Analysis on C-ITS in Australia

David Alderson

Associate ITS Engineer

Date: Thursday August 31

Time: 9.00 am - 10.00 am

Click here for more information


Nigel Nielsen

30 August 2023 11:00 am Eureka 3 (Ground Floor)

Elena Thode-Minguet

30 August 2023 1:30 pm Eureka 1 (Ground Floor)

Snack and Learn Webinar

WSP in the UK's Tom Grahamslaw discusses how intelligent transport systems (ITS) can accelerate decarbonisation efforts in road transport; it explores a holistic ITS perspective — one that considers people, processes, infrastructure, vehicles, technology and associated data — to advance comprehensive change as societies around the world set targets and form pathways to meet net zero emissions. 



Driven by Digital: Enabling human-centred, intelligent transport

With the right information and technology, we can plan fit-for-purpose mobility solutions and deliver them efficiently to meet the growing demands on our transport systems.


Exploring the Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles

Connected and Automated Vehicles could offer a positive net value of over $1.4 trillion to the Australian community over 50 years, according to WSP and the Centre for International Economics’ report.


Customer Centred Design - Giving People what they really want

A human-centred approach to designing transport infrastructure is important to ensure that we are supporting better access for a diverse group of users. 


Managed Motorways: Transporting Benefits from Melbourne to Denver

The Smart 25 Managed Motorways Pilot Project in Colorado represents the first application in North America of the coordinated and adaptive ramp metering system from the managed motorways approach in Melbourne, Australia.                                                                                    

Intelligent Transport Systems Enable the Decarbonization of Road Transportation

This whitepaper explores how intelligent transport system (ITS) expertise can accelerate the decarbonization of road transportation; the principles discussed also apply to other sectors within the overall transportation system.

Creating Safe Road Ecosystems

For system designers to create safe road systems, they must understand and manage the interdependencies  between the people, vehicles and space comprising each road ecosystem.  This article explores the contribution of the physical space to the safe design and use of road transport systems.

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