We are locally dedicated with international scale.

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We are locally dedicated with international scale.

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Building an equitable, green and efficient future for mobility 



WSP joined the 2023 AITPM conference as AITPM's Future Mobility partners, and we continue to work with clients and industry to change how we move for the better. Read on to discover our speakers and insights.


Climate change is already causing serious impacts and costs for our transport infrastructure. If we’re to reach Net Zero, we need to do things differently and electrification is just one piece of the puzzle.


Considering movement and place together facilitates healthier and better connected communities, reduces congestion and decreases emissions. 


Growing demands on our transport systems, and heightened expectations for safety, sustainability, and service, mean we'll need emerging technologies to enable the future of mobility.



Decarbonising transport is more than just switching to electric vehicles. It’s going to take a complete shift in how we think about, plan for and use transport.
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Uber and WSP have partnered to release a white paper which examines what we need to do today to ensure our kerbsides and streetscapes enable the places people want.

With the right information and technology, we can plan fit-for-purpose mobility solutions and deliver them efficiently to meet the growing demands on our transport systems.


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Current State of Play of C-ITS in Australia - C-ITS Workshop

Scott Benjamin

Technical Director, Intelligent Transport Systems

This panel is part of the Connected Intelligent Transport Systems full day workshop.

The objective of the workshop is to increase engagement and consideration of the opportunities C-ITS will provide in Australia. The key focus will be to consider the problems C-ITS can address (related to safety / efficiency / sustainability needs) and work through use cases with consideration of needs and application to current problems on our road network.  Attendees are strongly encouraged to read the material provided to participants one week before the workshop to ensure they understand the context and are best able to contribute to the working session.  The three sessions will step through national and international introduction to C-ITS with a panel of key Australian government and industry representatives. 

Scott will host a welcome, followed by a panel featuring:

  • Catherine Rooney, Executive Director – Mobility &Insights | Department of Transport and Planning (Victoria) 
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), Queensland speaker - TBC 
  • Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) speaker - TBC  
  • Mario Filipovic, Lexus Australia  

Date: Wednesday 13 September

Time: 11.00 am - 12.30 pm

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Innovative techniques using data in modelling - Transport Modelling Workshop

John Trieu

Associate Transport Engineer

This session is part of the  Transport Modelling Workshop. 

John will join the 'introduction to poster session and lightning presentations'.

Date: Wednesday 13 September

Time: 11.55 am - 12.30 pm

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Improving Models - Transport Modelling Workshop

Mariya Maslova

Associate Modeller

This session is part of the  Transport Modelling Workshop.

Mariya will chair Presentation Session 2, featuring:

  • Robert Kinghorn, Director of Planning & Infrastructure Economics | KPMG - Economic Appraisal using Agent Based Models: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Christine Westley, Principal Evaluation Lead | Department of Transport and Planning - Measuring Road travel time reliability benefits in Victoria
  • Eshan Gaindhar, Economist | Aracdis - Utility beyond A to B: The need to revise the way we value time

Date: Wednesday 13 September

Time: 1.50 pm - 2.50 pm

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Mid-tier Transport- where are we now and where are we going? 

Stephen Loughnan

Senior Strategic Rail Planner

Mid-tier transport plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between the heavy rail network and bus network, intended to provide reliable, frequent, efficient mass transit options for people. With the emergence of new technology focused around carbon reduction including ZEBs and TTs there is opportunity to rethink what mid-tier transit could look like in the future.

Session: Public transport end to end, featuring:

  • Marion Guesnier, Principal Transport Planner | Arcadis Australia - The First and Last Mile pathway: completing end-to-end transit journeys
  • Neil France, Senior Infrastructure Advisor  | Infrastructure Victoria - Making the most of Melbourne's buses
  • Stephen Loughnan, Senior Strategic Rail Planner | WSP - Mid-tier Transport- where are we now and where are we going? 
  • Nicole Badstuber,  Associate Director | AECOM - Designing public transport spaces for all: applying gender sensitive urban design principles to the Canberra Light Rail extension 
  • Carrell Hambrick, Project Support Officer, Major Projects Canberra, Light Rail City to Woden | Canberra Light Rail Network - Designing public transport spaces for all: applying gender sensitive urban design principles to the Canberra Light Rail extension (joint presentation with Nicole Badstuber)

Date: Thursday 14 September

Time: 1.45 pm - 3.00 pm

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Decarbonising Transport - Lessons from the UK

Tim Sullivan 

Principal Transport Planner - Net Zero

Wales took a bold step toward transport decarbonisation by making the decision to pause new road building and subsequently cancel many of the major highway capacity projects that were in the pipeline. This presentation examines why the Welsh Government felt compelled to take this drastic step and what lessons could possibly be learned in Australia

Session: A brighter, cleaner transport future , featuring:

  • Tim Sullivan, Principal Transport Planner - Net Zero | WSP - Decarbonising Transport – Lessons from the UK
  • Dr Ian Jeffreys, Principal Economic and Affordability Specialist | RACQ - Transport Tax Reform - Promoting and Supporting Equitable, Sustainable and Decarbonised Transport
  • Amelia Loder, A/Senior Manager Sustainability – SSTOM | Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport: Creating a Carbon Neutral, ecologically restored and climate resilient Metro
  • Dave Keenan, Regional Head - Business Development - Australia, New Zealand | Aimsun - Next Generation Environmental Traffic Management - Case Studies from the UK and Germany

Date: Thursday 14 September

Time: 10.45 am - 12.00 pm

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Swanston Walk - Balancing connectivity and place 30 years on

Sarah Lowe

Principal Transport Engineer

In 1991 the City of Melbourne, with the State Government of Victoria, released a plan for one of Melbourne’s best-known thoroughfares, Swanston Street, to close it off to vehicle traffic and make it into a pedestrian walk.  While there was much support for creating space for pedestrians, the concept was also regarded as flawed by some. Thirty years on, what do we think of Swanston Walk now, for its balance of connectivity and place? 

Session: Understanding people, movement and our cities, featuring:

  • Supun Perera, Associate Director | Urbis- Use of Human Movement Data Technology for School Placement Planning
  • Andrew Ross, Principal Advisor (Walking) | TMR (Qld) - Making plans for walking in Queensland 
  • Alana Plummer, Senior Planner (Cycling and Walking) | TMR (Qld) - Making plans for walking in Queensland (joint presentation with Andrew Ross)
  • Ten-Zen Guh, Technical Director - Transport Planning | Mott MacDonald - Performance-based approach to improving pedestrian connectivity
  • Sarah Lowe, Principal Transport Engineer | WSP - Swanston Walk: Balancing Connectivity and Place, 30 years on

Date: Thursday 14 September

Time: 1.45 pm - 3.00 pm

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Sustainable event transport for regional cities

Graeme Steverson

Technical Director - Planning and Mobility

Year-on-year growth in many regional centres has been double their annual averages since 2020. Despite this population growth, many regional places remain car dominated, and lack the quality of urban realm experienced in our larger cities. In the context of the cancellation of the multi-city regional model for the Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games, what is the future for regional cities and centres to achieve more sustainable transport outcomes?

Session: The Regional Review - Understanding our regional cities, featuring:

  • Alison Lee, Associate Director | Urbis - Changing Car Dependence in the Regions: Lessons from Wollongong and Geelong
  • Nikki Huddy, Town Planner | Planz - How regional towns and cities can join the mobility revolution
  • Graeme Steverson, Technical Director - Planning and Mobility | WSP - Sustainable event transport for regional cities and centres
  • Michael Kahn, Associate | DesignInc Sydney - Transport Infrastructure as a Catalyst for Revitalisation in Regional Centres: Byron Bay Interchange on Bundjalung Country 

Date: Friday 15 September

Time: 1.15 pm - 2.30 pm

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Young Professionals industry debate: 'private cars will always be king in Australia'

Jessica Tong

Transport Engineer 

Ever since it was introduced to Australian shores, the presence of the private car has dominated and shaped our built environment. Will this ever change and when or how will this happen? Come along and listen to this contentious topic being addressed in a light-hearted, fun and thought-provoking debate.

Young Professionals:

  • Jessica Tong, Transport Engineer | WSP
  • Will Finlay, Transport Modeller | Stantec
  • Zoe O’Malley, Senior Traffic and Transport Engineer | Jacobs

Industry Experts:

  • Bill Allen, Independant Consultant (previously Bentley Systems) (US)
  • Laura Procter, Team Leader Victorian Transport Planning & Advisory team | SMEC
  • Ingrid Burkett, Professor & Director, Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation | Griffith University

Date: Friday 15 September

Time: 1.15 pm - 2.30 pm

Click here for more information


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Sara Stace

Director of Cities

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Akanksha Balakumar

Graduate Transport Planner

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Liz McGregor

Key Account Manager - Transport

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Andrew Leedham

Technical Executive, Planning and Mobility

Snack and Learn Webinar Series

Join our experts as they explore some of the exciting work that WSP are doing

This webinar explores WSP's work in Australia helping Transport Canberra transition to a fully electric bus fleet by 2040.

Presenters: Eleanor Short - Senior Principal - Transport Advisory, WSP in Australia Brian Smith - Technical Executive, WSP in Australia                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Our experts discuss the recently published whitepaper Future of Delivery (commissioned by Uber) – which examines how to unleash the opportunities for city centres to become greener and more liveable by increasing micromobility for the last mile of logistics. 

Presenters: Shifani Sood - Senior Consultant, WSP in Australia Sara Stace - Director of Cities, WSP in Australia

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